A MAN was diagnosed with a brain tumour after his symptoms were initially mistaken for depression.
Richard West, 64, became anti-social, short tempered and forgetful when Covid restrictions lifted in 2021.

He visited his GP on several occasions but was told it was ‘lockdown depression’ and given medication for anxiety.
But after a “psychological breakdown”, Richard went back to his doctor and was booked in for an MRI, which revealed a 2.8in (7cm) tumour on the left frontal lobe of his brain.
He underwent a surgery in June 2022 to remove the tumour, which was diagnosed as a meningioma, the most common type of primary brain tumour.
Richard had six weeks of radiotherapy after his tumour grew back and he is now monitored with regular scans.
Richard, a former university lecturer, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, said: “It was a difficult time because everything was changing fast.
“I’d been a lecturer at the University of Westminster in London for more than two decades, but different methods of teaching and assessment were being introduced.
“At the same time, I was developing a new course in sports management which was very demanding.
“When restrictions were lifted, people went back to work in 2021.
“However, although I loved my job, I returned with no enthusiasm.
“I was depressed, short tempered, and most worryingly, forgetful and anti-social. Deep down, I knew something wasn’t right.”
Richard had previously been successfully treated for prostate cancer in 2020 and felt “numb” when scans revealed his brain tumour.
“My thoughts immediately turned morbid,” he said.
“All I could think was, ‘How long have I got?’”
He had a successful surgery in June 2022 and saw his symptoms improve almost immediately.
Richard said: “The pain and stiffness in my muscles and joints went away.
“I could walk, run, go to the gym, read and communicate again. It was like having a new life.”
But after a stroke in January 2024, Richard was told his tumour had returned.
I feel like I shouldn’t be alive – but here I am, feeling positive and getting fitter by the day
Richard West
“Whilst in the car I had an ‘episode’,” he said.
“The vision in my right eye became blurred and I couldn’t read or make sense of words.
“We made it to the MRI centre and explained what had happened, but it was recommended the scan should go ahead as planned.
“It wasn’t until two days later that I went to my GP, and further tests confirmed I’d had a stroke.
“I was lucky to be alive as it could’ve been fatal.
“When the results came back, the residual meningioma had grown a couple of millimetres, and a 30-day course of radiotherapy was recommended.
“That was tough to deal with, but counselling and practising mindfulness helped me through.”

The 54-year-old developed a short temper and memory loss[/caption]

Richard is hosting a music event to raise money for Brain Tumour Research and Berkhamsted-based mental health charity Hector’s House.
He said: “Having survived prostate cancer, to be diagnosed with a brain tumour and to have had a stroke, I feel like I shouldn’t be alive – but here I am, feeling positive and getting fitter by the day.
“I want to raise awareness of brain tumours, to bring them to the attention of more people so that we can drive investment towards research into the disease.
“Brain tumours change you as a person. Friends, family and people you meet don’t always realise, because from the outside you can appear ‘normal’.
“But inside, there are all kinds of anxieties. What will the next MRI scan reveal? Is this sudden headache something to worry about? Did I just forget the car keys, or is my memory fading?”
‘A cruel disease that shatters lives’
He added: “For many, their journey will involve ongoing radiotherapy, more surgery, and always a nagging fear that the tumour will regrow.
“Of course, not everyone feels the same and their journey may be different.
“It is a cruel disease that shatters lives. That’s why I’m focused on promoting a gig to raise funds for causes that are vitally important to me.
“If we had more knowledge and understanding of the disease, there is a potential to stop it from changing lives so drastically.”
Charlie Allsebrook, community development manager at Brain Tumour Research, said: “Richard’s story is a reminder that brain tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age.
“We’re grateful to Richard for sharing his story and wish him all the best for his night of music.”
To buy a ticket to Richard’s fundraiser and make a donation, visit: tickettailor.com/events/braintumourcharity
The most common symptoms of a brain tumour

More than 12,000 Brits are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour every year — of which around half are cancerous — with 5,300 losing their lives.
The disease is the most deadly cancer in children and adults aged under 40, according to the Brain Tumour Charity.
Brain tumours reduce life expectancies by an average of 27 years, with just 12 per cent of adults surviving five years after diagnosis.
There are two main types, with non-cancerous benign tumours growing more slowly and being less likely to return after treatment.
Cancerous malignant brain tumours can either start in the brain or spread there from elsewhere in the body and are more likely to return.
Brain tumours can cause headaches, seizures, nausea, vomiting and memory problems, according to the NHS.
They can also lead to changes in personality weakness or paralysis on one side of the problem and problems with speech or vision.
The nine most common symptoms are:
- Headaches
- Seizures
- Feeling sick
- Being sick
- Memory problems
- Change in personality
- Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
- Vision problems
- Speech problems
If you are suffering any of these symptoms, particularly a headache that feels different from the ones you normally get, you should visit your GP.
Source: NHS