PRINCE William popped into a Wetherspoon pub on Wednesday for a Bulmers cider before watching his beloved Aston Villa play Everton.
Wills enjoyed a drink with fellow fans at the London And North Western pub at Birmingham New Street station.

The heir to the throne watched his beloved Aston Villa play Everton with fellow fans at the London And North Western pub[/caption]
The chain is one of Britain’s favourites, but how well do you know your ’Spoons?
Take our quiz to find out.
The answers are below.
1. What is Wetherspoon’s ten-minute rule?
a) If you drop a chip on the floor, you must pick it up within ten minutes otherwise you’ll be asked to leave.
b) If you haven’t been served at the bar after ten minutes, you get a free drink.
c) It aims to get food out to your table within ten minutes of an order.
2. In which year did Wetherspoon launch its Curry Club?
a) 1998.
b) 2008.
c) 2018.
3. What is Wetherspoon’s dress code?
a) Hawaiian shirts only accepted on Fridays.
b) No shorts allowed.
c) You have to be fully clothed and wear shoes.
4. Who is JD Wetherspoon?
a) The same person who founded JD Sports.
b) John Dorian Wetherspoon, the founder of the pub chain.
c) He doesn’t exist — JD is from the sheriff in TV’s Dukes Of Hazzard, JD Hogg, while Wetherspoon is the name of one of the founder’s old teachers.
5. Which two new desserts did Wetherspoon add to its menu in 2024?
a) Chocolate fondant pudding and salted caramel mousse.
b) Sticky toffee pudding and millionaires dessert.
c) Apple and blackberry crumble and apricot pie.
6. Im what part of London did Wetherspoon open its first pub in 1979?
a) Muswell Hill.
b) Streatham.
c) Hammersmith.
7. How many fish and chip meals has Wetherspoon served over the past ten years?
a) More than half a million.
b) More than one million.
c) More than 10million.
8. What vegan dish does Wetherspoon have on the menu at a special price of £6.99 during Veganuary?
a) Ramen noodle bowl.
b) Chips.
c) Lasagne with vegan cheese.
9. Why is the chain able to sell beer cheaper than most rivals?
a) They buy it near its expiry date.
b) They buy in bigger quantities than other chains.
c) They rarely advertise.
10. Who is the chairman of Wetherspoon?
a) Lord Sugar.
b) Sir Tim Martin.
c) Elon Musk.
11. Which Wetherspoon pub could you get married in before its sale in 2023?
a) The Knights Templar in Chancery Lane, London.
b) The Globe Hotel in King’s Lynn, Norfolk.
c) The Opera House in Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
12. What is the most popular drink sold on draught?
a) Lager.
b) Ale.
c) Pepsi.
1c, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8a, 9b, 10b, 11a, 12c