Spending a lot of time on the computer could be bad for you – just not in the way you think.
A study of more than 200,000 men has linked long-term computer use for leisure to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction (ED).
Chinese researchers found that for every 1.2 hours spent using a computer, the chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction increased by 3.57 times.
Long-term computer use for leisure was associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) in men, which promotes sperm production.
This hormone is made by the brain’s pituitary gland and affects the function of a woman’s ovaries or a man’s testes – which travels through the bloodstream and binds to receptors in the testes.
Low FSH levels have been linked to decreased libido, infertility, and low energy.
However, the study, published in the journal Andrology, does not clearly state why a drop in this hormone may impact erectile function.
The study also suggests these men showed a stronger genetic tendency for leisure computer use.
However, the researchers said there was no evidence to suggest other sitting activities, such as watching television or driving for leisure, increased the risk of erectile dysfunction.
More information is needed to understand the association between computer use and erectile dysfunction risk.
The authors wrote: ‘Although the specific mechanism of erectile dysfunction caused by computer use has not been clarified in the present study, the damage of sedentary behaviour to erectile function appears to be clear, which needs to attract public attention.
‘In other words, physical activity can help to prevent or improve erectile function.’
The researchers noted that the study had several limitations, including only evaluating men ages 40 to 69, even though ED is most common in those over 70 it was not clear how severe the ED was.
The researchers looked at data from genome-wide association studies, where genes linked to a particular condition or trait are looked at, through Mendelian randomisation which compares differences between pairs of genes.
However, the researchers say that further research is needed to confirm any comparative differences between pairs of genes.
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