BLOOD-sucking bedbugs and “porn star” fleas are set for a population explosion in homes.
A mild winter followed by a hot summer were ideal conditions for breeding, experts say.

Blood-sucking bedbugs and ‘porn star’ fleas are set for a population explosion in homes[/caption]
Bedbugs will be lurking in dark corners and skirting boards, ready to hunt for an easy meal when people dive under the duvet this autumn.
And super fleas with male genitals two-and-a-half times longer than their bodies have had “an abundant breeding season which is set to continue this autumn”, pest control group Basis Prompt warned.
Basis Prompt added: “The summer weather has been ideal for creatures like fleas and bedbugs.
“If you do have fleas in your home, you may even see them jumping on your carpet or furniture.”
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Favourite flea target areas are low down – around the ankles or legs.
Pets that are constantly scratching can provide the first sign of an infestation.
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Pharmacists at Chemist Direct have reported a jump in sales of Anthisan flea bite cream.
The Fine Bedding Company said: “Duvets should be washed every few months, or at least twice a year, and replaced every five years, pillows more frequently – every two to three years.”
The RSPCA says a flea can live from between 14 days up to one year, with the female laying up to 50 eggs a day.